Holy cow, this paperwork takes for.ev.er. A few more signatures and faxing back and forth; and the bank's appraisal of our plans done, and we finally have a closing date in place - Feb 28th. Assuming the build takes the full 6 months to complete, that puts us closing and moving in August - right in the midst of starting Jacob in Kindergarten. That'll be hectic and unfortunate, but I guess it could be worse.
In the meantime, we met with Kai again this weekend now that the ice has all melted away so we could look at our lot and agree on house placement and spacing. We also finalized some elevation drawings - I feel pretty good with the changes, which gave it some character, but the key will be choosing the colours and finishes. We've been saying we wanted a red house, but it has to be the * right * red so that it doesn't look too much like a barn. Already the neighbourhood is full of blues and greens, so we want to stay away from those; these kinds of neighbourhoods look best when there is variety.
Brian helps Kai Yu measure out the house |
The kids took advantage of plenty of open space |
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