Still no firm date for moving ... still waiting to hear from the bank, and from the builder on a follow up to the punch list of items needing cleaned up or completed before or shortly after we would move in.
But, they've been cleaning up the house, and this weekend was the first view we had of everything without the paper or layers of dust. ; ) I'm so proud of the work that's been put into this little house, and I can't wait to get in and continue to give it character and turn it into the comfortable, cozy cottage I am hoping it will be (it feels a little stark right now still!).
Here's a shot of the kitchen all cleaned up:
And the master bathroom finally put together:
And the front of the house - the porch rails are finally painted white, and while we are still waiting for the installation of the corbels, you might notice another colour that's been added ..... green!
Some sod was added to the front of the house. The land developer insisted on this I suppose to help the house stand out since we are the first house on this street. That's okay, it looks really nice, except we had to remind them to turn the sprinkler system on; with the unseasonably warm temperatures, the sod was starting to dry out already!
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